Enviado por: Arnaud and the team
Data: 01 de maio de 2020
Dear Friends,
I am sure you have been following the news about the fires in Brazil. The Amazon forest is burning, the Cerrado grasslands and shrub forests are burning, the Pantanal wetlands – now going through the worst drought in 50 years– is burning. Most of the Pantanal fires are concentrated in the northern part of the biome, but the southern Pantanal has been seriously affected as well, particularly near the border with Mato Grosso State. The situation is unprecedented, tragic, catastrophic. Almost 20% of the Pantanal is gone, turned into ashes. The fires are massive. Thousands of animals are dying.
Giant anteaters and armadillos are being seriously affected. Giant anteaters with long shaggy tails that brush the ground are being burnt alive. There is fewer record of armadillos as they are probably dying from the heat and smoke inhalation in their burrows.
We are joining efforts with the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (LTCI-IPÊ) to try to raise funds for these two purposes which are currently the most urgent:
1- Rescue teams have been finding and rescuing lots and lots of burned animals have been trying to provide technical support to catch, anesthetize, and treat them. These teams need veterinary equipment and supplies. They are doing the best they can possibly do with almost nothing on their hands. In response to this need, we are raising funds to purchase veterinary gear for different teams. Our veterinarians will purchase needed items and we are identifying the best ways to get the equipment to wherever it needs to be. Everything is extra complicated because of the pandemic.
2- Part of the funds we raise will go to purchase of firefighting gear including protective equipment for firefighters (such as fire-resistant boots, pants, shirts, gloves, and balaclavas, as well as helmets, and special glasses for eye protection) and things like water pumps, fire hoses, shovels, chainsaws, air blowers, brush cutters etc. We will get as many of these items as we can.
We have so many heroes fighting out there to save the Pantanal and its wildlife, and we are so incredibly grateful for everything they have been doing.
We are fundraising with the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (LTCI) so please donate directly on the PayPal and credit card donation system for the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (hosted within the IPÊ´s website).
– https://ipe.org.br/en/donate-now/donate-to-tapir
Thank you so much,
Arnaud L.J. Desbiez
(Foto por: ICAS)
(Foto por: ICAS)
(Foto por: ICAS)
(Foto por: ICAS)
FONTE ICAS (INSTITUTO DE CONSERVAÇÃO DE ANIMAIS SILVESTRES). Acesso em https://www.giantarmadillo.org/; Acesso em 08 de Junho de 2020.
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Dear Friends,
I am sure you have been following the news about the fires in Brazil. The Amazon forest is burning, the Cerrado grasslands and shrub forests are burning, the Pantanal wetlands – now going through the worst drought in 50 years– is burning. Most of the Pantanal fires are concentrated in the northern part of the biome, but the southern Pantanal has been seriously affected as well, particularly near the border with Mato Grosso State. The situation is unprecedented, tragic, catastrophic. Almost 20% of the Pantanal is gone, turned into ashes. The fires are massive. Thousands of animals are dying.
Giant anteaters and armadillos are being seriously affected. Giant anteaters with long shaggy tails that brush the ground are being burnt alive. There is fewer record of armadillos as they are probably dying from the heat and smoke inhalation in their burrows.
We are joining efforts with the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (LTCI-IPÊ) to try to raise funds for these two purposes which are currently the most urgent:
1- Rescue teams have been finding and rescuing lots and lots of burned animals have been trying to provide technical support to catch, anesthetize, and treat them. These teams need veterinary equipment and supplies. They are doing the best they can possibly do with almost nothing on their hands. In response to this need, we are raising funds to purchase veterinary gear for different teams. Our veterinarians will purchase needed items and we are identifying the best ways to get the equipment to wherever it needs to be. Everything is extra complicated because of the pandemic.
2- Part of the funds we raise will go to purchase of firefighting gear including protective equipment for firefighters (such as fire-resistant boots, pants, shirts, gloves, and balaclavas, as well as helmets, and special glasses for eye protection) and things like water pumps, fire hoses, shovels, chainsaws, air blowers, brush cutters etc. We will get as many of these items as we can.
We have so many heroes fighting out there to save the Pantanal and its wildlife, and we are so incredibly grateful for everything they have been doing.
We are fundraising with the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (LTCI) so please donate directly on the PayPal and credit card donation system for the Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative (hosted within the IPÊ´s website).
– https://ipe.org.br/en/donate-now/donate-to-tapir
Thank you so much,
Arnaud L.J. Desbiez
- (Foto por: ICAS)
- (Foto por: ICAS)
- (Foto por: ICAS)
- (Foto por: ICAS)
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