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A Aquasis possui como missão evitar a extinção das espécies no Nordeste do Brasil, com foco principal no Estado do Ceará. Este é um trabalho árduo e de longo prazo, onde o envolvimento das comunidades e do público em geral é de fundamental importância para garantir a proteção dos animais ameaçados e a manutenção das áreas naturais onde eles habitam.



(1992) Foundation of the Cetacean Study Group of Ceará (GECC) – The GECC was a group composed by students and professors from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and State University of Ceará (UECE). Eventually, the group gave origin to Aquasis.

(1994) Foundation of Aquasis – We first began our activities at the Laboratório de Ciências do Mar(LABOMAR), a facility of the Federal State of Ceará.

(1996) Inauguration of the Monitoring Tower at Ponte Metálica – This mark represents the beginning of the monitoring activities of a population of guiana dolphins (sotalia guianesis) at the Ponte Metálica, Praia de Iracema, Fortaleza/CE.

(1998) Integrated Monitoring of the Coastal Zone of Ceará – We perfomend an anthropogenic and geo-environmental survey through the 573 Km (356 mi) of coastal zone at the state of Ceará. The data and conclusions of this research are descript in the book “Zona Costeira do CE: Diagnóstico para Gestão Integrada” (2003).

(2001) Move to SESC Iparana – We were granted a partnership with the Brazilian Commerce Social Service (SESC), in which was agreed the transfer our activities from LABOMAR to SESC Iparana. We built the first quarantine structure for calves of manatees in Ceará.

(2003) Araripe Manakin – The year of 2003 marks the beginning of our conservation efforts towards the Araripe manakin in the region of Cariri. At the time, the specie was listed by IUCN as Critically Endangered.

(2005) Grey-breasted Parakeet – We adopted the grey-breasted parakeet as a flagship species in 2003, by surveying the remaining of occurence areas in the states of Ceará and Pernambuco.

(2010) Permanent Araripe Manakin Headquarter – We established a permanent headquarters at Crato/CE to research on the Araripe manakin and to execute conservation plans for the species.

(2012) Marine Mammals Rehabilitation Center (CRMM) – We created the first Brazilian non-profit facility for the complete rehabilitation and posterior release of orphan manatee calves. Until 2012, we rescued 31 stranded calves only at Ceará.

(2016) RPPN “Reserva Oásis Araripe” – The Oasis Araripe reserve (RPPN Oasis do Araripe) was idealized to protect the Araripe manakin and to recover deforested riparian forest areas in the region of Crato.



Av. José Alencar, 150. Praia de Iparana, Caucaia, Ceará – BRASIL CEP. 61.627-210.
Telefones: (85) 3318-4911 ou (85) 3113-2137



FONTE AQUASIS. Disponível em <http://aquasis.org/; Acesso em 28 de julho de 2020.
Informações e Fotos por: Aquasis



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